Unlock the power of cloud accounting – revolutionize your financial management.

Cloud Migration Services.

It’s time to elevate your accounting from the Desktop to the Cloud.

Strategic Advisory & Insights

If you’re still using desktop versions of popular accounting software such as QuickBooks Desktop, you’re missing out on the next generation of accounting solutions.

Here’s a quick rundown of why you should be doing your accounting in the cloud, with Momentum.

Accessibility. Data at your fingertips.

Desktop accounting software is siloed on a single computer. If you want something, you have to be able to access that computer. Typically, that means you have to ask someone for the information you need and wait until they deliver it. That’s not ideal, especially when you need the information now.

With QuickBooks Online or Xero you can access your financial data from any device with an internet connection. This allows for greater flexibility and convenience, as you can work on your books from anywhere at any time.

Collaboration. Real-time access from multiple locations.

Tired of having to share files to get accounting information to important team members? 

Cloud accounting makes it easier to collaborate with your accountant, bookkeeper, business partners, etc. Multiple users can access the software simultaneously, which facilitates real-time collaboration and enhances productivity.

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Security and Data Backup. World-class cloud providers.

Cloud providers such as Amazon, Microsoft and Google use the most advanced security measures—encryption and multi-factor authentication—available to protect their customers data. Does the PC that holds your most important financial data have the same level of security? 

And with the threat environment continually evolving, who do you trust to provide security patches to keep your data safe? 

Another advantage, cloud providers automatically backup your data, as opposed to manual data backups (which often get delayed or forgotten) on your desktop PC.

Automatic Updates. You’re always working with the latest version.

With cloud accounting, updates and new features are automatically implemented by your service provider. This ensures that you are always using the latest version without having to manually install updates. On a desktop, you need to purchase and install new versions or updates manually.

Scalability. Your cloud accounting solution grows with you.

Cloud accounting is well-suited for businesses of varying sizes, including small businesses and growing enterprises. As your business expands, your cloud accounting solution scales to accommodate increased transaction volumes and user requirements without significant hardware or software upgrades. 

Your desktop version has limitations based on the specific version and requires manual upgrades to access additional features or capacity.

Integration and Third-Party Apps. The next generation in automated accounting.

Cloud accounting solutions offer a wide range of integration possibilities with other business applications and third-party services, such as payment processors, accounts receivable and accounts payable solutions, payroll, etc. This allows for seamless data flow between different systems, streamlining your business processes. 

All of those workflows can then be synced and integrated into your QuickBooks Online or Xero Accounting Hub giving you a deep clear picture into your financial performance, enhanced forecasting capabilities, and strategic cash management tools.

Much like other cloud software, these solutions give businesses game-changing flexibility while reducing capital expenditures and maximizing human resources.

And the best part is, once they are built and integrated, you don’t even have to run them. Momentum Accounting does it all in the background for you. 

Ready to soar into the cloud? 

Momentum Accounting is expert at creating fully integrated cloud accounting solutions. We put it all together for you so that your accounting services become a continual source of competitive advantage.

Schedule an initial, no-obligation call today!


Momentum begins here.

Stop juggling. Start focusing.

If you need more (beyond just bookkeeping), then it’s a no brainer, they are awesome and they will be there as you grow.”

– Michael Ross, CEO of Lattice Wealth Management

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